WordPress im Konzern – Über Corporate Blogs und digitale Spielwiesen

Wofür setzen große Unternehmen aktuell WordPress ein? Ein Blick in die deutschsprachige Konzernlandschaft zeigt schnell, dass es hier noch immer vor allem als Blogsystem gesehen wird. Ein Blick über den Tellerrand soll anhand von Fallbeispielen und Ausblicken zeigen, dass WordPress auch hier viel zu bieten hat, um aktuelle Herausforderungen im Konzernumfeld anzugehen – egal ob diese aus der Unternehmenskommunikation, dem Marketing oder der Personalabteilung kommen.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the WordPress Coding Standards

Rules are meant to be broken. Nevertheless, rules are there for good reasons, and even more when you have a say in them.

In this talk, Thorsten will start by providing an overview of the rules and best practices for coding in the WordPress universe. If you want to know about code style, coding standards, code conventions, code quality—and why it all matters!—this talk is for you.

The second half of the talk will cover applying these rules via a WordPress-specific Composer package based on the well-known PHP_CodeSniffer tool. Both projects changed a lot recently, so you might learn something new. And now with Tide, this is getting more and more important for plugin and theme authors.

Don’t forget to bring a towel!

Time management and time tracking

We all have 24 hours in our days, but we spend them very differently. This talk is about the discoveries I came across, tracking every minute of my life since February 2017. I use time tracking across all areas of my life.

This presentation will be divided into two sections: ‚The benefits of time tracking at work‘ and ‚The benefits of time tracking in your daily life‘.

I find that time tracking has the following effects: increased productivity, improving choosing the right task to work on, feeling in control of your day/life and making an excellent feedback loop for reflection.

WordCamp Retreat Soltau is over. Check out the next edition!